Hemp Toll Processing: CBD Processing Facility & Equipment

Are you a hemp grower looking to have your harvest processed into your own CBD products? We currently have capacity to turn your hemp flower into high quality CBD tinctures or topicals using our formulas or help you create your own.

How can your CBD company benefit from hemp toll processing?

Empire Hemp Co. offers CBD toll processing to all its future partners.

We love cooperating with other hemp enthusiasts so we can create top-shelf CBD products together.

What is hemp toll processing?

If you're new to growing hemp or cannabis, you're probably wondering what is hemp toll processing?

Well, this is a process where we take biomass from a hemp grower, and we process it into a finished product.

In other words, if you don't have the necessary CBD processing facilities and equipment that would turn hemp into oil, we will do it for you!

How much does CBD toll processing cost?

Toll processing costs vary based on several factors. Needless to say, the most important is the quantity of raw matter that we need to process.

We always try to process raw material so it suits your needs. Anyway, in order to get a better picture of things, we suggest that you contact us for an assessment.

What is CBD split processing?

Another common term is CBD split processing. In this case, the hemp grower will split the oil with the processing company.

In other words, you can save money for the service, but you will lose a part of the finished product.

Empire Hemp Co. performs toll treatment within its own toll processing equipment and facilities. We don’t utilize third-party hemp and we process the hemp in the same way we would process it for ourselves.

That way, we ensure that the end-product is of the highest quality, and that you’re satisfied with the results.